Below is the java sample code from worklight to invoke adapter.
public static void testAdapterCall(){
DataAccessService service = WorklightBundles.getInstance().getDataAccessService();
String paramArray = "[5, 3,]";
ProcedureQName procedureQname = new ProcedureQName("CalculatorAdapter", "addTwoIntegers");
InvocationResult result = service.invokeProcedure(procedureQname, paramArray);
catch(Exception e)
I'm getting a Null Pointer exception, when it goes to line
DataAccessService service = WorklightBundles.getInstance().getDataAccessService();
Log is as below:
at com.worklight.customcode.Calculator1.testAdapterCall(
at com.worklight.customcode.Calculator1.main(
Versions: Java 1.7 Worklight 6.2 The Adapter is deployed, and the server is also running locally. I saw this question in other sites also, but it is not answered.
Any help is highly appreciated.