I need to use a Matlab function inside of a Simulink model. I know how to use a Matlab function to do simple stuff. But what I need now is a little bit more complicated. Let me give you a basic example.
Assume that I need to have a block to generate a sine wave to be viewed directly on the scope (I know that there is already a sine-wave block, I'm just taking that as an example). If I'm writing in Matlab NOT in Simulink, I would do something like:
t = [0:1/30000:0.2];
A = 1;
f =10000;
y = A*sin(2*pi*f*t);
How can I build the same function inside a Simulink matlab-function block and see the results directly on the Scope?
Remember: The Matlab Function Block has two ports, u and y. Which represents input and output respectively. In the above-given example, a sine-wave generator doesn't need an input.