0. From question, it is assumed that you have .Rd files.
You may have obtained these .Rd files via roxygen package or some other ways. You need .pdf of your package. One way to do this is from Windows's command line.
1. Open Windows Command Prompt (in Administrator mode, if possible).
Start - type "cmd" - (optional: right click the appearing icon - Run as administrator)
2. Pass to the R's current working directory (it can be found via "getwd()" in R's console) in the command propmt. R's current working directory contains the folder with your package source.
cd C:\Users\erdogan\Documents\Revolution
3. For the sake of argument, say the package folder was called "causfinder". Run the following command in Windows command prompt:
(be sure that you have not got any causfinder.pdf in R's working directory (You may have obtained some R-development-incompatible causfinder.pdf with some other ways outside R). If there exists, delete causfinder.pdf first.
Otherwise, you get this error: "file 'causfinder.pdf' exists; please remove it first")
R CMD Rd2pdf causfinder/
This command performs .Rd --> LateX --> .pdf process automatically. You obtain causfinder.pdf in R's working directory.
This is further described in the manual on Writing R Extensions under the section on "Processing documentation files"