I am pretty new to Haskell threads (and parallel programming in general) and I am not sure why my parallel version of an algorithm runs slower than the corresponding sequential version.
The algorithm tries to find all k-combinations without using recursion. For this, I am using this helper function, which given a number with k bits set, returns the next number with the same number of bits set:
import Data.Bits
nextKBitNumber :: Integer -> Integer
nextKBitNumber n
| n == 0 = 0
| otherwise = ripple .|. ones
where smallest = n .&. (-n)
ripple = n + smallest
newSmallest = ripple .&. (-ripple)
ones = (newSmallest `div` smallest) `shiftR` 1 - 1
It is now easy to obtain sequentially all k-combinations in the range [(2^k - 1), (2^(n-k)+...+ 2^(n-1)):
import qualified Data.Stream as ST
combs :: Int -> Int -> [Integer]
combs n k = ST.takeWhile (<= end) $ kBitNumbers start
where start = 2^k - 1
end = sum $ fmap (2^) [n-k..n-1]
kBitNumbers :: Integer -> ST.Stream Integer
kBitNumbers = ST.iterate nextKBitNumber
main :: IO ()
main = do
params <- getArgs
let n = read $ params !! 0
k = read $ params !! 1
print $ length (combs n k)
My idea is that this should be easily parallelizable splitting this range into smaller parts. For example:
start :: Int -> Integer
start k = 2 ^ k - 1
end :: Int -> Int -> Integer
end n k = sum $ fmap (2 ^) [n-k..n-1]
splits :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [(Integer, Integer, Int)]
splits n k numSplits = fixedRanges ranges []
where s = start k
e = end n k
step = (e-s) `div` (min (e-s) (toInteger numSplits))
initSplits = [s,s+step..e]
ranges = zip initSplits (tail initSplits)
fixedRanges [] acc = acc
fixedRanges [x] acc = acc ++ [(fst x, e, k)]
fixedRanges (x:xs) acc = fixedRanges xs (acc ++ [(fst x, snd x, k)])
At this point, I would like to run each split in parallel, something like:
runSplit :: (Integer, Integer, Int) -> [Integer]
runSplit (start, end, k) = ST.takeWhile (<= end) $ kBitNumbers (fixStart start)
where fixStart s
| popCount s == k = s
| otherwise = fixStart $ s + 1
For pallalelization I am using the monad-par
import Control.Monad.Par
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.Set as S
main :: IO ()
main = do
params <- getArgs
let n = read $ params !! 0
k = read $ params !! 1
numTasks = read $ params !! 2
batches = runPar $ parMap runSplit (splits n k numTasks)
reducedNumbers = foldl S.union S.empty $ fmap S.fromList batches
print $ S.size reducedNumbers
The result is that the sequential version is way faster and it uses little memory, while the parallel version consumes a lot of memory and it is noticeable slower.
What might be the reasons causing this? Are threads a good approach for this problem? For example, every thread generates a (potentially large) list of integers and the main thread reduces the results; are threads expected to need much memory or are simply meant to produce simple results (i.e. only cpu-intensive computations)?
I compile my program with stack build --ghc-options -threaded --ghc-options -rtsopts --executable-profiling --library-profiling
and run it with ./.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/lts-6.1/7.10.3/bin/combinatorics 20 3 4 +RTS -pa -N4 -RTS
for n=20, k=3 and numSplits=4. An example of the profiling report for the parallel version can be found here and for the sequential version here.
on thecombs
function? – rprosperomain
for the sequential version? Thanks. – ErikR