I'd like to implement a tail-recursion function to obtain the nth Fibonacci number.
Here's my attempt. It doesn't work as intended for n = 4 or above.
object Fibonacci {
def fib(n: Int): Int = {
def go(n: Int, acc: Int): Int =
if (n <= 1) 0 + acc
else if (n == 2) 1 + acc
else go(n-1, go(n-2, 0))
go(n, 0)
The problem is that while inputting n = 3 gives the desired output of 1, inputting n = 4 or above still only returns 1.
What I noticed is that if I define another line of "else if", i.e. else if (n == 3) 1 + acc, then my function would work as intended for n = 4 (it will return "2" as expected), but it still wouldn't work for n = 5 or above, and I can't figure out why.
If my approach to the problem seems weird to you, that is because this is all that I have learned so far, and it should be sufficient to solve the problem at hand.
Actually, I'm not entirely sure if the above function can be considered as tail-recursive, since I just started learning about it. If it isn't, please do point it out to me, and I'll make the appropriate changes.
annotation to a function that you intend to be tail recursive, and the compiler will tell you if you've made a mistake in that regard. – Chris Martin