I'm looking for a way to use a normal variable value as a macro variable in a data step.
For example I have macro variable &statesList_Syphilis = AAA
and another macro variable &statesList_Giardia = BBB
And in a data step I have a variable Germ wich contains 2 rows: "Syphilis" and "Giardia".
In my data step I need to find AAA when iterating over the first row when Germ="Syphilis"
and BBB when iterating over the second row, when Germ="Giardia"
an attempt would look like this
%let statesList_Syphilis = AAA;
%let statesList_Giardia = BBB;
data test;
set mytablewithgerms; * contains variable Germ ;
* use germ and store it in &germ macro variable ;
* something like %let germ = germ; or call symput ('germ',germ);
* I want to be able to do this;
xxx = "&&statesList_&germ"; * would give xxx = "AAA" or xxx = "BBB";
* or this;
&&statesList_&germ = "test"; * would give AAA = "test" or BBB = "test";
I don't think this is possible, but I figured I would ask just to be sure.
EDIT (Following questions in the comments, I'm adding context to my specific problem, but I feel this is making things more complicated):
This was an attempt to simplify the problem.
In reality AAA and BBB are long lists of words like
"asymptomatic_1 fulminant_1 chronic_1 chronic_1 fatalFulminant_1 hepatocellular_1 compensated_1 hepatocellular_2 decompensated_1 fatalHepatocellular_1 fatalHepatocellular_2 fatalDecompensated_1"
And I don't want to store this long string in a variable, I want to iterate each word of this string in a do loop with something like:
%do k=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&&statesList_&germ));
%let state = %scan(&&statesList_&germ, &k);
* some other code here ;
here is a more complete view of my problem:
%macro dummy();
data DALY1;
* set lengths ;
length Germ $10 Category1 $50 Category2 $50 AgeGroupDALY $10 Gender $2 value 8 stateList$999;
* make link to hash table ;
if _n_=1 then do;
*modelvalues ----------------;
declare hash h1(dataset:'modelData');
h1.definekey ('Germ', 'Category1', 'Category2', 'AgeGroupDALY', 'Gender') ;
call missing(Germ, Value, Category1, Category2);
* e.g.
rc=h1.find(KEY:Germ, KEY:"ssssssssss", KEY:"ppppppppppp", KEY:AgeGroupDALY, KEY:Gender);
*states ---------------------;
declare hash h2(dataset:'states');
h2.definekey ('Germ') ;
set DALY_agregate;
put "°°°°° _n_=" _n_;
DALY=0; * addition of terms ;
rc2=h2.find(KEY:Germ); * this creates the variable statesList;
put "statesList =" statesList;
* here i need statesList as a macro variable,;
%do k=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&statesList)); *e.g. acute_1 asymptomatic_1 ...;
%let state = %scan(&statesList, &k);
put "=== &k &state";
&state = 1; * multiplication of terms ;
* more code here;
%mend dummy;
The input dataset looks like this
Germ AgeGroup1 AgeGroup2 Gender Cases Year
V_HBV 15-19 15-19 M 12 2015
V_HBV 15-19 15-19 M 8 2016
V_HBV 20-24 20-24 F 37 2011
V_HBV 20-24 20-24 F 46 2012
V_HBV 20-24 20-24 F 66 2013
The output dataset will add variables contained in the string defined by the macro variable which depends on the Germ.
e.g. for V_HBV it will create these variables: asymptomatic_1 fulminant_1 chronic_1 chronic_1 fatalFulminant_1 hepatocellular_1 compensated_1 hepatocellular_2 decompensated_1 fatalHepatocellular_1 fatalHepatocellular_2 fatalDecompensated_1