I am using Typescript for some time and I know that I need to include references of the d.ts files, in order to get intellisense in the Visual Studio 2015 (and other IDEs). I have another project using Angular2 with Typescript and somehow the Visual Studio 2015 provides intellisense without having any reference of d.ts files. Does Angular2 provide definitions for the most well known libraries or something else is happening that I am missing?
2 Answers
You need to install typings globally
npm install -g typings
To install library.d.ts file use
typings install dt~YOUR_LIBRARY_NAME --save --global
Refer https://github.com/typings/typings for further details
Refer http://definitelytyped.org/tsd/ to know whether d.ts file available for the library you look for.
Yes, it does, you need first to install typings in your project (or globally with -g
flag) by doing:
npm i typings --save
Then you can add types for you libraries like so:
typings install LIBRARY_NAME --save