Environment Details:
- IBM MobileFirst Platform 7.1.0
- Channel: Android & IOS
- Notifications to be triggered for 15,000 users.
I would like to understand a point how WL.Server.sendMessage(applicationId,notificationOptions)
API works?
Means, I am able to trigger the broadcast notification using the above API and providing the necessary information and received the same in 3 devices.
There is a limitation in GCM that 1000 messages can be sent at a time as per the limit-of-android-gcm-push-notification.
Does the above mentioned API can handle this scenario? Because more than 1000 there should be another request to be sent as per the above link.
As per Scalability and hardware Sizing a MobileFirst Server can push a notification message to over 22,500 iOS devices, 50,000 Android devices and 350 Windows Phone devices per second.
If my understandings are correct than this API should be able send the 15,ooo notifications without fail by considering the above value as max.