I need some help with Excel plotting
I have two sets of data, similar to the following (sorry for the poor formatting, I'm new here)
I want to plot the PercentCPU as a column graph using 2 data series (A and B, differentiated when MaxCPU changes from 400 to 600)
The first data series (Series A) is the PercentCPU for points 1 to 4 inclusive (Colour Blue), then I want to plot a second series (series B) using PercentCPU for points 5 - 7 inclusive (Colour Red)
I've seen plenty of help video's and help documents on how to do this they are not what I want as I need the second series B to continue on, on the x-axis after series A finishes
The net result is to have 1 continuous looking chart that has both series A and B on it, both with different colours but series B following on from series A, so that visually one can easily see the PercentCPU changes when MaxCPU changed from 400 to 600 (MaxCPU is not being graphed)
Try as I might, all I can get is series B plonking itself right on top of series A on the x-axis (line graph) or intermingling (column graph), I'm at a loss at how to get these two series side by side
Even trying a two series Y axis doesn't help, the graph still resorted to merging the two data series
How to get two data series on the same graph, one following the other along the x-axis, side by side, instead of both data series starting at the 0 x-axis origin?
Please enlighten me oh Excel guru's :-)