
I'm trying to set up a build server (vNext) after upgrading to TFS 2015.

I followed the MS step-by-step guide and everything was setup correctly, but the agent is getting a "You are not authorized to access http://xxxxx:8080", but the agent is running on a different server in another environment.

Here is the situation ...

  1. I have a On-primises TFS 2015 with update 1 in production environment.

  2. I installed TFS build agent on a server in our development environment, which connecting to TFS in production. Not sure the prod username & password is saved?

  3. The agent is running as windows service with a doamin account from development environment.

  4. When i start the service i'm getting the above mentioned error.

So how can I run the TFS build agent with dev domain account and use another prod account to connect to TFS to get data?



2 Answers


Try changing the Log On credential of the build service to use production domain account after the build service is installed:

  1. Run services.msc to open Service manager.
  2. Find and open the build service.
  3. Enter the production domain account credential under the "Log On" tab of the build service.
  4. Restart the build service.

Try running the build service under a user account that has TFS access.

That worked for me. Click on the properties of the build service and change the user account it runs as.

Hope that helps.