
I have a setup in azure with a bunch of resources combined in a resource group. I want my services to be located in west-europe, so all my resources are there (where possible)

I just noticed that when creating the resource group, i accidentally used West US.

So the current setup is:

Resource Group 1 (West US)

  • App Service 1 (West Europe)
  • App Service 2 (West Europe)
  • SQL Server (West Europe)
  • Storage account (West Europe)
  • ... (West Europe)

Can I change the location of the resource group without having to create a new one and migrate everyting?

And maybe more importantly: Should i change the location or does it not impact anything?



4 Answers


You can't change the location of a resource group.

It wouldn't matter where your resource group is created. It is just a logical container of resources inside it.

Your resources inside a resource group need not be in the same region as that of the resource group. They can be in any region where the resource is supported.


You cannot change the location of the resource group, also moving a resource only moves it to a new resource group. The new resource group may have a different location, but that does not change the location of the resource. You could refer to Move resources to new resource group or subscription for details.


Regarding your last question:

Should i change the location or does it not impact anything?

It does impact somehow, but its little: The resourcegroup holds metadata of the resources within. That metadata is located in the location of the resourcegroup. So the impact is witnessed when you use the Azure Portal and the information is presented to you.

For example: The other day Brazil South was having troubles, and the portal was taking forever on presenting me the information, because I have resource groups located in Brazil South.


This is not possible. But you already know that by now. Alternative is that you can shift services/resources from one resource group to other, where both resides in different geo location.