
The use case is simple: I just want to export an object with the name just as it was imported.

for example:

import React from 'react';
export React;

but this does not work. I have to write:

import React from 'react';
export const React = React;

But this is odd. What is the right way to do this?


Thanks for helps and references. I have solved out my problem with many clues. I'd like to share some common cases for me and the solutions.

export imports

import d, {obj} from '...';

export {obj, d};
export {obj as name1, d as name2};

re-export all named imports

export * from '...';
export * as name1 from '...';

re-export some named imports

export {a, b as name1} from '...';

re-export default import as default export

export {default} from '...';

re-export default import as named export

export {default as name1} from '...';
why would you export react?omarjmh
you can export {React} but again, if you need React somewhere, you should just import it there.loganfsmyth
export react is just an example, in fact, I want organize some project so that user can import some object in shorter and high level path.Yao Zhao
export * as name1 from '...'; this doesnt work for me (using webpack 2). Any ideas?Entity Black
Does anyone have a workaround for export * as name1 from '...';?Sharcoux

5 Answers


I often do the following in index.js files that compose several files:

export {default as SomeClass} from './SomeClass';
export {someFunction} from './utils';
export {default as React} from 'react';

This blog entry provides some nice additional examples.

Important note

You should be aware this eslint-rule when accessing these exported imports. Basically, in another file, you shouldn't:

import SomeClassModule from 'SomeClass/index.js';
SomeClassModule.someFunction(); // Oops, error

You should do this:

import SomeClassModule, {someFunction} from 'SomeClass/index.js';
someFunction(); // Ok

You could export imported file with such structure

import First from './First'
import Second from './Second'
export { First, Second }

For my use case, I explicitly need some sort of explicit import statement so that babel can transpile my es7 code to es5.

The following results in an error You gave us a visitor for the node type "ForAwaitStatement" but it's not a valid type:

require( 'babel-core/register' ); //transpiles es7 to es5
export {default} from './module_name'

My solution was to explicitly import the module by using require():

require( 'babel-core/register' );
export default require( './module_name' ).default;

Given ./foo.js:

const Foo = class {
  talk() { return 'hello'; }

export default Foo;

Then you should be able to do this:

import Foo from './foo';

let foo = new Foo();

foo.talk(); // => 'hello';

The syntax more or less follows the commonjs module.exports pattern, where you would do this:

const Foo = class {


module.exports = Foo;

More here:



You should be able to do export {React} and import it via import {React} from ./module

See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/web/javascript/reference/statements/export for more information.