I'm trying to set up the WSO2 Identity server with OpenLDAP as primary user store. I would like to add the Idp embedded ApacheDS schemas': wso2Person, identityPerson and scimPerson to the OpenLDAP but I am not able to import neither the schema nor the wso2Person, identityPerson and scimPerson ldif files.
Can you provide an example regarding how to achive this goal?
I am trying to import the files into a new OpenLDAP on Ubuntu Server 16 LTS using ApacheDS Studio or other LDAP clients but every time that I try to import the files an error is thrown.
I.E.: launching
sudo ldapadd -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ou\=schema.ldif
the server responds:
Server in unwilling to perform (53) no global superior knowledge
Or, trying to import the wso2Person.ldif
ldapadd -D ldap:/// -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" -x -W -f wso2Person.ldif
the following error is thrown:
Invalid syntax (21) additional info: attributeTypes: value #0 invalid per syntax