Referring to that question:
There are several ways to improve rendering speed for huge meshes. I tried the following implementations:
- Just render the mesh without any optimization or quantization.
- I decided to quantize my mesh as a preprocessing step on the CPU and switch the LOD-level (= quantization-level) on runtime. I submit the whole vertex-data and I render with Drawcall(numberOfNotDegeneratedIndices). -> faster than (0)
- My idea now: Do the whole quantization in the Vertex-Shader (all vertex-data is present for calculations and dynamic LOD-switching). Triangle degeneration should automatically happen after the vertex processing step. Drawcall(numberOfAllIndices) -> not really faster than (0)
Methodes compared: The amount of vertex-data submitted is always the same. VS calls: (0) == (2) > (1)
So I was wondering why method (2) doesn't get any faster than (0) despite quantization and resulting triangle degeneration?
I would like to get more information why it behaves likes this and where the bottlenecks on the GPU could be.