Hi have a dataset wih about 6000 obs and 250 variables. I am trying to run a mixed model in sas using proc mixed but I keep getting "Error:the sas system stopped processing this step because of insufficient memory" . I tried the cornell university's way- http://www.ciser.cornell.edu/FAQ/SAS/MemoryAllocation.shtm , but its not working as under "properties", its not letting me modify "target".
I tried, Proc options option=memsize 4G; Run;
but obviously there is something wrong with the code and I keep getting error. I want to increase the memory assigned by sas which right now is 2gb. I am using the sas provided by my school, so I am guessing its a student version. Don't know if that has anything to do with this memory error.
Would really appreciate if someone could help me with changing the memsize to max or something bigger than 2gb. Thanks in advance