
I would like to split a table with 120 million rows into multiple equally-sized tables in Google BigQuery. I found this answer to a question that asks about getting row numbers for a table. The example solution was:

  ROW_NUMBER() OVER() row_number,
  SELECT contributor_username,
  FROM [publicdata:samples.wikipedia]
  GROUP BY contributor_username

which would allow you to get a row_number, and then you could create a table by manually selecting

WHERE row_number BETWEEN x AND y

This works for the table in the example, but using ROW_NUMBER() yields a resources exceeded error for a table with 117MM rows.

I then tried the following idea:

  SELECT field1, field2
  FROM (
      SELECT field1, field2, ntile(100) over (order by row_id ) as ntile
      FROM (
        SELECT  hash(some_unique_key) as row_id, field1, field2
        FROM table_with_177_MM_rows
  WHERE ntile = 1

I would then need to run this for ntile=[1,...,100]. This also failed. Is there any way to split a large table with a unique key in GBQ into smaller tables?


3 Answers


I tried below on table with 500 million rows as well as on table with 3 billion rows and it worked as expected

First you create new table (temp_table) with extra field rnd

  field1, field2,
  RAND() AS rnd
FROM YourBigTable

Than you run something like below - depends on how many tables you want to split to - as many times as needed.

  field1, field2 
FROM temp_table
WHERE rnd >= 0.3 AND rnd < 0.4

of course you should make sure you set destination tables respectively

You delete temp_table after all done

Hard to say if it is better way or not though. Up to you!


Similar to my second example above, but without using the ntile window function:

  SELECT field1, field2
  FROM (
        SELECT hash(some_unique_key) as row_id, field1, field2
        FROM table_with_177_MM_rows
  WHERE abs(row_id) % {n_tables} = {table_id}

For n_tables = 10, you would run for table_id={0,1,2,...9} to get each table. Maybe there's a better way?


Similar to the above, but all in one single query (note: these kinds of queries sometimes fail with internal error and you have to re-run them. That's a separate question). The query below is easier to generate via code.

SELECT field1, field2 FROM ( SELECT field1, field2 FROM table_with_177_MM_rows WHERE hash(some_unique_key) % {n_tables} = {table_id_1} ), ( SELECT field1, field2 FROM table_with_177_MM_rows WHERE hash(some_unique_key) % {n_tables} = {table_id_2} ), .... ( SELECT field1, field2 FROM table_with_177_MM_rows WHERE hash(some_unique_key) % {n_tables} = {table_id_n} ),