I am using apache-jmeter-2.6. I want to record browser action using HTTP Proxy Server. But The actions are not recording.
I have defined HTTP Request Defaults under Thread Group,I have given value for the server name that looks like this:
And I left the Port Number field empty as it is given with the Server Name.
In HTTP Proxy Server under workbench, I have given the Port value:81 and added ".*.html" in URL Patterns to include.
I have set the proxy server setting in firefox browser with Port:81 and Http Proxy: www.xxxxx.com
Now when I start the proxy server in jmeter and do different actions in my browser, i get nothing in my listener which is 'View Result Tree'.
I have searched for the ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt file in different directories of my pc so that I can install it in my browser but did not find it anywhere, seems it is not created.
I have also deleted proxyserver.jks and then tried everything again, but no success.
What am i doing wrong here? How do i fix this?
My java version is 1.8.0_77.
Thank You.