
I am using apache-jmeter-2.6. I want to record browser action using HTTP Proxy Server. But The actions are not recording.

I have defined HTTP Request Defaults under Thread Group,I have given value for the server name that looks like this:


And I left the Port Number field empty as it is given with the Server Name.

In HTTP Proxy Server under workbench, I have given the Port value:81 and added ".*.html" in URL Patterns to include.

I have set the proxy server setting in firefox browser with Port:81 and Http Proxy: www.xxxxx.com

Now when I start the proxy server in jmeter and do different actions in my browser, i get nothing in my listener which is 'View Result Tree'.

I have searched for the ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt file in different directories of my pc so that I can install it in my browser but did not find it anywhere, seems it is not created.

I have also deleted proxyserver.jks and then tried everything again, but no success.

What am i doing wrong here? How do i fix this?

My java version is 1.8.0_77.

Thank You.


2 Answers


First of all I recommend you to upgrade your JMeter version.JMeter 2.13 version is available.The performance of JMeter is being constantly improved, so users are highly encouraged to use the most up to date version. Ensure you always read changes list to be aware of new improvements and components. You should absolutely avoid using versions that are older than 3 versions before the last one.

Here is the step by step process of recording browsers action.

Step1: Open your Firefox browser and from Network Connection settings configure the proxy server as HTTP Proxy:, Port: 8888

Fireefox configuration for Proxy setting

Step2: Run your Jmeter.bat file and open Templates under File dropdown list and click "Create".

enter image description here

Step3: Expand Work Bench and select "HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder". And click "Start" at the bottom of the page.You will have two pop up to Allow Firewall and Temporary Root CA Certification Installation.Allow all those and now go to your browser and do your browser activity.When its done "Stop" the HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder.

Step4: After this you will get the recorder script in JMeter with all your activity in the browser.It will automatically update under Thread Group.This script will contain all your page requests during browsing activity. Sample script after recording is shown below.

enter image description here

Hope this will work for you.

  1. You need latest JMeter first! Download here.
  2. Check this tutorial on recording.
  3. ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt can be found in JMETER_HOME/bin folder.