I am facing issues when trying to publish a Cloud Service project which has two copies of the same worker role project. Basically my worker role project is a job processor watching a service bus queue. I intend to differentiate the instances by having different queue names in the configuration of each worker role. I am facing issues when trying to deploy this to Azure. This works perfectly in local emulator. Error received when deploying to azure:
The file provided is not a valid service package. Detailed error code: <role name 2> Invalid application runtime - a runtime component is missing:/base/x64/WaIISHost.exe,<role name 3> Invalid application runtime - a runtime component is missing:/base/x64/WaIISHost.exe. The long running operation tracking ID was: 89d809995b20a74a924ae69f8d8a5106.
It is also really weird that this works with Azure SDK 2.4 but not with 2.7+. And also it works always in one subscription but not in couple of others. Really puzzled here.