I am trying to execute the REST API to get the usage metrics data from Web Application deployed on Azure.
I am trying to execute the REST API to get the usage metrics data from Web Application deployed on Azure. https://management.azure.com/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Web/sites//metrics?$filter=startTime%20eq%202016-04-12T06:05:42.907Z%20and%20endTime%20eq%202016-04-12T06:10:42.907Z&api-version=2014-04-01
But I am getting constantly 500 Internal Server Error.
Also, I tried to find out the given URL in Resource Explorer under the Mincrosoft.Web But in that I can see the metricsDefinitions but metrics is not available for this.
Can someone please let me know what how can I get the usage metrics data for the Web Application Services?