
I have this proc sql query in my current code. Unfortunately, I'm dealing with over 10 million records, so it takes hours to run. I've been trying to convert it to a data step, thinking it would run much quicker. However, I can't seem to get the same data results. If anyone can help me with the data step I'd greatly appreciate it. Or if you have suggestions on how I can make the proc sql run more efficiently.

Here is my proc sql query:

proc sql;
  create table test as
  select *
  from table1 a
  where exists (select 1
                from table2 b
                where b.acct_id = a.acct_id);

This is the data step I tried converting it to:

proc sort data=table1; by acct_id; run;
proc sort data=table2; by acct_id; run;

data test;
  merge table1   (in=a)
        table2   (in=b);
  by acct_id;
  if a and b;
Does select * from table1 where acct_id in (select acct_id from table2) perform any faster? (That query might make the intent more clear to the query planner - hopefully saving the need for indexing/sorting/joining)Jon Clements
At least in SAS 9.3 the proc sql is quite bad at optimizing IN/EXIST statements.Jetzler
I just did a small scale test with your suggestion and it seemed substantially faster (11 minutes vs 32 seconds). I'm going to try a full run now and see how it goes.UncleCross

2 Answers


Try an inner join in SQL. You will have to list out each of the variables that need to match.

create table test as
select *
        table1 as a
      inner join
        table2 as b
      on a.acct_id = b.acct_id
      and a.var1 = b.var2 

This should avoid that inner select which I suspect your time was being spent.

If that is too slow, then consider putting an index on acct_id in both tables. That should speed up the join.


As to why your current data step doesn't work is most likely because you have duplicate keys on table2 (which will distort the observations where there's a 1-N or N-N merge). If you amend the sort to only keep the keys and remove duplicates then the merge should give the expected results.

proc sort data=table1; by acct_id; run;
proc sort data=table2 (keep=acct_id) out=wanted_accounts nodupkey; by acct_id; run;

data test;
merge table1 (in=a)
      wanted_accounts (in=b);
by acct_id;
if a and b;