
In JIRA Agile I know I can look at the sprint report to see all the issues completed in that sprint and manually count them.

I can also query for all issues completed in a particular sprint like: project = MYPROJECT AND status = Done AND Sprint = nn

However what I want is a count of the total number of issues completed in each sprint. Is there a way to do this with JQL?

While I'm not sure with JQL, it tells you in a message box how many issues were completed in the sprint when you click 'complete sprint'WearyWanderer
Yes I've seen that although don't think there's any obvious way to get that number once you've already completed the sprint. I want to find out how many were completed in the 30 previous sprints without manually counting for each.Chris R

3 Answers


I have set up a saved filter with: project = MYPROJECT AND status = Done AND Sprint is not EMPTY AND issuetype in (Bug, Story)

Then on my dashboard I have added a Two Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget using:

  • the above query
  • X-axis: Issue type
  • Y-axis: Sprint
  • Sort Direction: Descending - to show most recent sprints at the top
  • Show Totals: Yes

enter image description here

This is actually better than just the total I wanted as I can also see the breakdown of bugs and stories in each sprint.


You can use the JQL query:

project = PRJKEY AND Sprint is not empty

and then use the pie chart (via Export > Chart > Pie Chart) to get the numbers:

enter image description here


what about trying somehting like this:

project = MYPROJECT AND status = Done AND Sprint is not empty

i guess tha if the issue is added to a sprint you set this fiel up, if not it is empty. If true, this can help