
we configured Paypal Express checkout for magento 1.9.2

enter image description here

in checkout, when customer selects "Paypal Payment method" it will redirect to paypal site

and if customer dont complete the transaction it will not create order in backend.

what we want is if customer dont pay also , we want to create an order in backend with all infromation like customer email, phone number.

enter image description here

I will give extra 100 bounty points if i get answer.

Did you tried something so far ? If that is not a functionality offered by the Paypal module, then you'll have to develop it from A to Z and Stackoverflow is not aimed at getting free development.β.εηοιτ.βε
Use paypal standard it will also redirect to paypal and create order and if payment is not done it will just make order status pending.Aman Alam
@aman_uni i selected merchant country as india in 1.9.2 version, but it showing this option : website payemnts standard (include express checkout ) it not showing only website payemnts standardfresher
@aman_uni but in 1.9.0 it showing only website payemnts standard & order is creating if customer dont pay the money also.fresher
try website payments standard (include express checkout ) it should resolve your problem.Aman Alam

2 Answers


I found solution by some research : here

credits : @Mukesh Chapagain

INSERT INTO core_config_data (config_id ,scope ,scope_id ,path ,value) VALUES (NULL , 'default', '0', 'payment/paypal_standard/active', '1' );

once i run the query express checkout removed and order created in backend for failed transactions.


You need to override the admin sales module.

  • On failure payment event . call an observer method.
  • using this method you can create the order programmatically with the the order detail which is present in the session.

Let me know if more detail required.