I need to convert columns of cells with HYPERLINK formulas into cells with just the friendly_name hyperlinked to link_location. For instance, =HYPERLINK("https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q="&SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","+")&"&tbm=isch&gws_rd=ssl","G images") to a cell that just has G images in it and is hyperlinked to the hyperlink that the formula produces, e.g. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=search+term&tbm=isch&gws_rd=ssl. I can do this by pasting into Word and pasting back into Excel, but I need to do it within Excel, whether by some copy/paste trick or a macro.
Can you post a sample table/output of what you're expecting to see?
– BruceWayne
I want the HYPERLINK formula converted, hopefully via macro, to the same format as if I right clicked on a cell, clicked Hyperlink..., put "G images" in the "Text to display:" field and "google.com/…" in the "Address:" field.
– Dave A
Ohh - So, when looking at the cell, you don't want a formula to be in the cell, but the text "G images", linked to the URL?
– BruceWayne
Is the URL always going to be a Google one, like your example?
– BruceWayne
I didn't see this, but no, it most definitely will not always be google. I'm starting to think I should rethink the original formulas and use a different pathway to achieve what I want, as I didn't think it would be this complicated to do what I need to do since I could so easily paste into word and back and get the results I need. Thank you very much for your help.
– Dave A
2 Answers
I think I understand, try this (adjust rng
as necessary):
edit: New code, per comment below:
Sub replace_Hyperlink_Formula_With_Text()
Dim linkWS As Worksheet, newWS As Worksheet
Dim linkText$, url$, address$, subPart$
Dim cel As Range, rng As Range
Dim commaPos&
Set linkWS = Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change this to the sheet name that has =Hyperlink("http://...","Link")
Set newWS = Sheets.Add
newWS.Name = "Links Only" ' or whatever you want the non-Hyperlink Formula sheet to be called.
Set rng = linkWS.Range("A1:A2") ' Edit this as needed
For Each cel In rng
linkText = cel.Value
commaPos = InStrRev(cel.Formula, ",")
subPart = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(linkWS.Range("A2"), " ", "+")
url = Mid(cel.Formula, WorksheetFunction.Search("(", cel.Formula) + 2, commaPos)
Debug.Print url
commaPos = InStrRev(url, ",")
url = Left(url, commaPos - 2)
url = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(url, "&", ";", 1)
Debug.Print url
' Now, trim SUBSTITUTE out of it
Dim leftUrl$, rightURL$
leftUrl = Left(url, WorksheetFunction.Search(";", url) - 2)
rightURL = Mid(url, WorksheetFunction.Search("&", url) + 2, Len(url))
url = leftUrl & subPart & rightURL
Debug.Print url
' cel.ClearContents
address = cel.address
newWS.Range(address).Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=newWS.Range(address), address:=url, TextToDisplay:=linkText
Next cel
End Sub
It's kludgy, but it should succeed in parsing out the &Substitute...&
part, and replacing it with what's in A2