We have a concern we want to use as a mixin for our User classes. This concern is found in our separate rails engine that we use for multiple products.
Everything in this engine, we keep in the same module, which we will call MyEngine.
module MyEngine
module EngineUser
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
And we are tring to include it like any other concern in our Rails Application:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include MyEngine::EngineUser
# ...
This causes an error where it says: (formatted some for readability)
/Users/foo/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.5/gems/activesupport-4.2.4/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:495:in `load_missing_constant':
Unable to autoload constant EngineUser, expected /Users/foo/Perforce/engine_folder/app/models/concerns/engine_user.rb to define it
Which..... is the right file... <.<
If I remove the module MyEngine
around the class, and form the include in User, it works just fine.
I know rails does so autoloading behind the scenes, but why isn't this working? It knows that file has the class... if I move it to engine/app/concerns it says it cant find it there. So frustrating.