I'm making a 2D game with SFML in C++ and I have a problem with collision. I have a player and a map made of tiles. Thing that doesn't work is that my collision detection is not accurate. When I move player up and then down towards tiles, it ends up differently.
I am aware that source of this problem may be calculating player movement with use of delta time between frames - so it is not constant. But it smooths movement, so I don't know how to do it other way. I tried with constant speed valuses and to make collision fully accurate - speed had to be very low and I am not satisfied with that.
void Player::move() {
sf::Vector2f offsetVec;
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::W))
offsetVec += sf::Vector2f(0, -10);
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::S))
offsetVec += sf::Vector2f(0, 10);
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::A))
offsetVec += sf::Vector2f(-10, 0);
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::D))
offsetVec += sf::Vector2f(10, 0);
this->moveVec += offsetVec;
void Player::update(float dt, Map *map) {
sf::Vector2f offset = sf::Vector2f(this->moveVec.x * this->playerSpeed * dt,
this->moveVec.y * this->playerSpeed * dt);
sf::Sprite futurePos = this->sprite;
if (map->isCollideable(this->pos.x, this->pos.y, futurePos.getGlobalBounds())) {
this->moveVec = sf::Vector2f(0, 0);
this->pos += offset;
this->moveVec = sf::Vector2f(0, 0);
In player position update I create future sprite object, which is object after applying movement, to get it's boundaries and pass it to collision checker. To collision checker I also pass player pos, because my map is stored in 2d array of tile pointers, so I check only these in player range.
bool Map::isCollideable(float x, float y, const sf::FloatRect &playerBounds) {
int startX = int(x) / Storage::tileSize;
int startY = int(y) / Storage::tileSize;
Tile *tile;
for (int i = startX - 10; i <= startX + 10; ++i) {
for (int j = startY - 10; j <= startY + 10; ++j) {
if (i >= 0 && j >= 0) {
tile = getTile(i, j);
if (tile != nullptr && playerBounds.intersects(tile->getGlobalBounds()))
return true;
return false;
My solution
I have changed if statement in update function to while statement, which decreases my offset vector till no collision is present. I still have to make some adjustments, but general idea is:
void Player::update(float dt, Map *map) {
int repeats = 0;
sf::Vector2f offset = sf::Vector2f(this->moveVec.x * this->playerSpeed * dt,
this->moveVec.y * this->playerSpeed * dt);
sf::Sprite futurePos = this->sprite;
while (map->isCollideable(this->pos.x, this->pos.y, futurePos, offset)) {
offset = 0.7f * offset;
if (repeats > 5) {
this->moveVec = sf::Vector2f(0, 0);
this->pos += offset;
this->moveVec = sf::Vector2f(0, 0);
I also had to rework isCollideable method a little, so it accepts sf::Sprite and offset vector so it can calculate boundaries on it's own.