I am using SimpleForm 3.2.1 with Rails 4. I am trying to convert a rails form into a simple_form. Here is the code that works for radio buttons with the regular rails form:
<ul class="list-radios list-multiplier">
<% @organization_plans.each_with_index do |plan, index| %>
<div class="radio custom-radio">
<%= f.radio_button :plan_id, plan.id, id: "field-rad#{index}", data: {price: plan.total_price} %>
<label class="form-label" for='field-rad<%= index %>'>
<%= plan.description %>
</div><!-- /.radio -->
<% end %>
</ul><!-- /.list-radios -->
I have tried converting it to SimpleForm with the following code:
<ul class="list-radios list-multiplier">
<% @organization_plans.each_with_index do |plan, index| %>
<div class="radio custom-radio">
<%= f.input :plan_id, value: plan.id, input_html: {id: "field-rad#{index}"}, data: {price: plan.total_price}, label: false, as: :radio %>
<label class="form-label" for='field-rad<%= index %>'>
<%= plan.description %>
</div><!-- /.radio -->
<% end %>
</ul><!-- /.list-radios -->
However, when I open the page in the browser I get the error:
No input found for radio
How do I get this form to start working with simple_form?