
I am using SimpleForm 3.2.1 with Rails 4. I am trying to convert a rails form into a simple_form. Here is the code that works for radio buttons with the regular rails form:

  <ul class="list-radios list-multiplier">
    <% @organization_plans.each_with_index do |plan, index| %>

        <div class="radio custom-radio">
          <%= f.radio_button :plan_id, plan.id, id: "field-rad#{index}", data: {price: plan.total_price} %>

          <label class="form-label" for='field-rad<%= index %>'>

            <%= plan.description %>
        </div><!-- /.radio -->
    <% end %>
  </ul><!-- /.list-radios -->

I have tried converting it to SimpleForm with the following code:

  <ul class="list-radios list-multiplier">
    <% @organization_plans.each_with_index do |plan, index| %>

        <div class="radio custom-radio">
          <%= f.input :plan_id, value: plan.id, input_html: {id: "field-rad#{index}"}, data: {price: plan.total_price}, label: false, as: :radio %>

          <label class="form-label" for='field-rad<%= index %>'>

            <%= plan.description %>
        </div><!-- /.radio -->
    <% end %>
  </ul><!-- /.list-radios -->

However, when I open the page in the browser I get the error:

No input found for radio

How do I get this form to start working with simple_form?


2 Answers


According to SimpleForm source code it has not default radio input.

Documentation of this gem suggest few ways to use radio buttons:

  1. <%= f.input :plan, as: :radio_buttons %>
  2. <%= f.input :plan, as: :boolean %> (with some additional value handle)
  3. You can write your own custom input, f.e. named radio and put in folder app/inputs. Read more about custom inputs

There's nothing wrong with using the regular rails helpers. You can nest them inside the input if you'd like consistent wrappers. It can look something like

= f.input :plan_id, label: false do 
    - @organization_plans.each do |plan|
        = f.radio_button :plan_id, plan.id
        = f.label :plan_id, plan.description, value: plan.id

Of course, you may also use the collection if you don't need too much customization

= f.input :plan_id, collection: @organization_plans.pluck(:id, :description), as: :radio_buttons, label: false