
I am developing a web application which makes use of vue-router for an SPA with a Laravel 5 backend. It makes use of .vue files for app components which are run through laravel-elixir-vueify in order to create the required JavaScript.

I have set up vue-router along with Vue successfully and can load components defined in the same file as the main Vue and Vue router instances.

The problem comes however when I try and require a component which is contained within a .vue file. Despite browserify / vueify reporting a successful run when I inspect the Vue instance there are only anonymous component fragments shown within the instance by Vue dev-tools, and no markup placed within the router-view.

Vue Devtools

There are no errors within the console, although it looks as though the external components are not being loaded correctly.

Examples of the various code and files are as follows:




        <img src="//placehold.it/320x100" style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 15px" alt="Pathway Visualisation" />


    export default {}


Where dashboardOverview.vue is located at resources\assets\js\components\dashboardOverview.vue.

Main View

<div id="app">
    <a v-link="{ path: '/activate' }">Activate</a>|
    <a v-link="{ path: '/' }">Overview</a>

This is supplemented by the following JavaScript:

var Vue = require('vue');
var VueRouter = require('vue-router');


/* Components */
var dashboardOverview = require('./components/dashboardOverview.vue');
var userSetup = require('./components/userSetup.vue');

var App = Vue.extend();

var router = new VueRouter()
Vue.config.debug = true

    '*': {
        component: Vue.extend({template: '<h4>404 Not found</h4>'})
    '/': {
        component: dashboardOverview
    '/activate': {
        component: userSetup

router.start(App, '#app')

Where dashboard.js is located at resources\assets\js\dashboard.js.

Thinking about answers, but for starters fragment instances cause a bunch of weird issues. You should wrap the component in a div alwaysJeff
Hi @Jeff, thanks for the suggestion. I have wrapped the component in a div although the problem still persists.Daniel Waghorn

1 Answers


I set up a minimal test project and managed to successfully achieve what I was aiming for.

The end result of this was some Node packages which had incompatible versions, and also packages that weren't required.

I pruned my packages.json file and then reinstalled the required vue, vue-router, and laravel-elixir-vueify packages to ensure everything was installed correctly with the correct dependencies and it has worked since.