The Applescript results are Display "end tell"
I don't know why this is happening and need it fixed. When I click next page for the second time, it "end tell"s randomly
This is the script:
display dialog "What would you like to launch? choose wisely!" buttons
{"Next Page", "cancel", "Google Chrome"} default button "Next Page"
if result = {button returned:"Google Chrome"} then
tell application "Google Chrome" to activate
else if result = {button returned:"cancel"} then
else if result = {button returned:"Next Page"} then
display dialog "Page 2" buttons {"Next page", "Mari0", "Minecraft"} default button "Next page"
if result = {button returned:"Minecraft"} then
tell application "Minecraft" to activate
else if result = {button returned:"Mari0"} then
tell application "Terminal"
do script with command "open /Users/_________/Desktop/"
delay 1
end tell
else if return = {button returned:"Next page"} then
display dialog "Page 3" buttons {"Safari", "Roblox", "Next Page"} default button "Next Page"
if result = {button returned:"Roblox"} then
tell application "Google Chrome" to open location ""
else if result = {button returned:"Safari"} then
tell application "Safari" to activate
else if return = {button returned:"Next Page"} then
display dialog "Final Page" buttons {"iMessages", "Applescript Folder", "Back to Start"} default button "Back to start"
if return = {button returned:"Back to start"} then
run script (open applications)
else if return = {button returned:"iMessages"} then
tell application "Messages" to activate
else if return = {button returned:"Applescript Folder"} then
do shell script "open /Users/__________/Desktop/Applescript/"
end if
end if
end if
end if
These are the results from the script:
tell application "Script Editor"
display dialog "What would you like to launch? choose wisely!" buttons {"Next Page", "cancel", "Google Chrome"} default button "Next Page"
--> {button returned:"Next Page"}
display dialog "Page 2" buttons {"Next page", "Mari0", "Minecraft"} default button "Next page" --> {button returned:"Next page"}
End tell