I'm writing a nodejs 5.7.1 application with aws-sdk for DynamoDB.
I have a table of events that I created with the following code:
var statsTableName='bingodrive_statistics';
var eventNameColumn = 'event_name';
var eventTimeColumn = 'event_time';
var eventDataColumn = 'event_data';
var params = {
TableName: statsTableName,
KeySchema: [ // The type of of schema. Must start with a HASH type, with an optional second RANGE.
{ // Required HASH type attribute
AttributeName: eventNameColumn,
KeyType: 'HASH',
{ // Optional RANGE key type for HASH + RANGE tables
AttributeName: eventTimeColumn,
KeyType: 'RANGE',
AttributeDefinitions: [ // The names and types of all primary and index key attributes only
AttributeName: eventNameColumn,
AttributeType: 'S', // (S | N | B) for string, number, binary
AttributeName: eventTimeColumn,
AttributeType: 'N'
ProvisionedThroughput: { // required provisioned throughput for the table
ReadCapacityUnits: 1,
WriteCapacityUnits: 1,
dynamodbClient.createTable(params, callback);
as you can see, I have a Hash + Range index. the range is on event_time.
now I want to scan or query for all the items between two specific dates.
so i'm sending the following params to the query function of dynamoDb:
"TableName": "bingodrive_statistics",
"KeyConditionExpression": "event_time BETWEEN :from_time and :to_time",
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":from_time": 1457275538691,
":to_time": 1457279138691
and i'm getting this error:
"message": "Query condition missed key schema element",
"code": "ValidationException",
"time": "2016-03-06T15:46:06.862Z",
"requestId": "5a672003-850c-47c7-b9df-7cd57e7bc7fc",
"statusCode": 400,
"retryable": false,
"retryDelay": 0
I'm new to dynamoDb. I don't know what's the best method, Scan or Query in my case. any information regarding the issue would be greatly appreciated.
is the way to go. Did you provide hash key in your query? You can't query just by range index, unless you are using GSI – Jakub M.