I have a template that has data getting passed into it through the Iron Router params here, it might be obvious what the template is being designed to do:
// custom reset password page for child user
Router.route('/reset-password/child/:_id', {
name: 'reset-child-password',
template: 'childResetPassword',
layoutTemplate: 'appLayout',
data: function() {
return Users.findOne({ _id: this.params._id });
But, when I try to access this child user data in the template I get errors saying this.data
is undefined. or cannot read property 'profile' of undefined
. Here are my helpers and template use of the helper.
<h3>Reset Password for {{childFirstName}}</h3>
<form id='childResetPassword'>
<div class="form-group">
<input type="password" name="new-child-password" class="form-control" value=''>
childFirstName: function() {
console.log("Template helpers:");
return this.data.profile.firstname;
Any thoughts on how to access the data-context passed with the iron router data callback? Am I using it incorrectly?
UPDATE (STILL NOT ANSWERED): I have verified that this particular user that I am passing into the template data-context is being found and that their profile is populated with a firstname
property, and I'm still getting the same error.
Based on another question I found I tried this. I added a Template rendered callback function like this:
Template.childResetPassword.rendered = function() {
I do see this.data containing the correct user object in the browser console, but my this.data.profile.firstname
still fails, yet again, with the same console output error. If there something I need to do between the template rendering and the template helper?? SO CONFUSED!!!