Short Quick Answer
Make the Role
class, not the Manager
Long Boring Answer
I had a similar case, but, eventually, had a similar Manager
class, and later add a MiddleManager
class that could also manage other classes.
..| User |--+..
........../ \..........|..
..........\ /..........|..
...........v...........|..Can Manage Other Users
..| Role |--+..
..| [+] CanManage() |.....
So, I move a function or properties canManage()
to the Role
As @Thomas Kilian mention, your question is more a behaviour feature, than a structural feature. Behaviors are represented as methods or properties, in a class diagram.
..| User |--+..
..+-----------------+..|..«Can Manage Other Users»
..| [+] CanManage() |--+..
........../ \.............
..........\ /.............
..| Role |.....
Another version may include a self referenced association.