I have a image field in a controller rendering(ImageCtrl) and data source template for it. In Experience Editor the ImageCtrl is added and assigned to a new data source. I click on the image placeholder, the media library opens and I upload one new picture from my PC. Then I save the page and publish from Experience Editor.
The image I've upload is not published under Media library so the image is not displayed. As I know this functionality is not supported out of the box by Sitecore.
The Sitecore solution is integrated with C# MVC.
Is their a way to catch the publish from Experience Editor and publish the images? How can I do this publish so the content editor won't need to go to media library to and publish the images?
EDIT: This is how sitecore databases look after publish:
Web Image Datasource http://prntscr.com/aa8eyn Web Media Library http://prntscr.com/aa8f7h
Master Image Datasource http://prntscr.com/aa8g31 Master Media Library http://prntscr.com/aa8gae
The C# view looks like this: http://prntscr.com/aa8hid
The imagefield is a subitem of the datasource of a subitem of the page.