
In order to optimize caching, I added timestamps to the src values of images, etc, e.g. <img src="/static/img/foo.1456871418309.png"/>.

Then I created a servlet filter which removes the timestamps again, and then forwards the request to the resource. request.getRequestDispatcher (urlWithoutTimestamp).forward(request, response).

And in appengine-web.xml I specified to cache files a year.

    <include path="/static/**" expiration="365d" />

This way, I thought, the user would always get the latest version and can cache it until a newer version exists, without having to test it via HTTP.

On localhost (Run As Web Application) this works fine, the HTTP response has the expected caching headers:

Cache-Control:"public, max-age=31536000"
Expires:"Wed, 01 Mar 2017 22:54:32 GMT"

However when I deploy the whole thing on the app engine server the response has this caching header (and no “Expires”):


Instead of forwarding the request, I also tried calling the FilterChain on a HttpServletRequestWrapper to modify the getRequestURI, getRequestURL, getServletPath. This lead to the same poor result.

How do I get this right?


On second thought, I guess forwarding to static-content may not be possible, because forwarding is always done server locally and the static-content may well be served on another machine.

But at least I was able to solve my HTTP header problem with my filter:

  1. Instead of forwarding the request, I use a HttpServletRequestWrapper (see above) to remove the timestamp from the request.
  2. Then I call chain.doFilter on the modified request.
  3. Last I set the caching headers on the response.

2 Answers


Instead of changing filename and using a filter you can reference actual static file with timestamp added as request parameter.

Instead of:

<img src="/static/img/foo.1456871418309.png"/>

use following schema:

<img src="/static/img/foo.png?r=1456871418309"/>

For static file such parameters are ignored. But for browser it will be a new URL each time, therefore it will be requested from the server.


In production, you will not be able to intercept static file traffic. Google App Engine takes care of static files for you, basically providing a sort of CDN.

I quote the note on https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/java/config/webxml#Filters

Filters are not invoked on static assets, even if the path matches a filter-mapping pattern. Static files are served directly to the browser.