In order to optimize caching, I added timestamps to the src values of images, etc, e.g. <img src="/static/img/foo.1456871418309.png"/>.
Then I created a servlet filter which removes the timestamps again, and then forwards the request to the resource. request.getRequestDispatcher (urlWithoutTimestamp).forward(request, response)
And in appengine-web.xml
I specified to cache files a year.
<include path="/static/**" expiration="365d" />
This way, I thought, the user would always get the latest version and can cache it until a newer version exists, without having to test it via HTTP.
On localhost (Run As Web Application) this works fine, the HTTP response has the expected caching headers:
Cache-Control:"public, max-age=31536000"
Expires:"Wed, 01 Mar 2017 22:54:32 GMT"
However when I deploy the whole thing on the app engine server the response has this caching header (and no “Expires”):
Instead of forwarding the request, I also tried calling the FilterChain on a HttpServletRequestWrapper
to modify the getRequestURI, getRequestURL, getServletPath. This lead to the same poor result.
How do I get this right?
On second thought, I guess forwarding to static-content may not be possible, because forwarding is always done server locally and the static-content may well be served on another machine.
But at least I was able to solve my HTTP header problem with my filter:
- Instead of forwarding the request, I use a
(see above) to remove the timestamp from the request. - Then I call chain.doFilter on the modified request.
- Last I set the caching headers on the response.