
Hello I am new to programming in Matlab and am attempting to find the number of data points within a set of data that are x standard deviations away from the mean. The dataset is 5,000 random numbers using randn. I would like to do this with a loop, and I think the steps are should take are as follows:

  1. Have a loop go through the 5,000 random data points
  2. Count the points that are +- 1 std from the mean
  3. Print the number of points

I am not really sure where to begin and if someone could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Here's the code that tells you how many elements from the array a are between lim1 and lim2: sum(a>=lim1 & a<=lim2). Now adapt that to an array, with mean and standard deviation.user2271770
There is a function to calculate the standard derivation, no need for loops or similar. Check the documentation for stdDaniel
Take a look at this question, it is very similar. Instead of counting, it is about deleting, but CST-Link already explained to you how to count.Daniel

1 Answers

N = 5000;         % Number of data points
x = randn(N,1);   % Random vector
mu = mean(x);     % Mean of vector
sig = std(x);     % Stan. dev. of vector

% This is a logical array that signifies where the
% condition is true.
inds = (x >= (mu - sig)) & (x <= (mu + sig));

Can you take it from here?