My system needs to store data in an EEPROM flash. Strings of bytes will be written to the EEPROM one at a time, not continuously at once. The length of strings may vary. I want the strings to be saved in order without wasting any space by continuing from the last write address. For example, if the first string of bytes was written at address 0x00~0x08, then I want the second string of bytes to be written starting at address 0x09.
How can it be achieved? I found that some EEPROM's write command does not require the address to be specified and just continues from lastly written point. But EEPROM I am using does not support that. (I am using Spansion's S25FL1-K). I thought about allocating part of memory to track the address and storing the address every time I write, but that might wear out flash faster. What is widely used method to handle such case?
EDIT: What I am asking is how to track/save the address in a non-volatile way so that when next write happens, I know what address to start.