
I am new to Visual Studio and Visual Studio Team Services.

I am trying to run a build on of simple code using Team Services. However, I get the following error:No solution was found using search pattern 'C:\a\1\s***.sln'.

My steps were:

  1. In Team Services, create a team project, called Same New Project.
  2. Open Visual Studio, configured my workspace.
  3. In VS, created a new solution (Windows Form)
  4. Checked in code.
  5. In Team Services, selected Code from the menu and refreshed screen such that the new project.
  6. Selected Build from menu.
  7. Clicked on + sign to create a new build definition.
  8. Selected Visual Studio. Clicked Next.
  9. Checked Continuous integration (build whenever this branch is updated)
  10. Selected Hosted under Default Agent Queue. Clicked Create.
  11. See the image

enter image description here

  1. Clicked Save.
  2. Clicked Queue Build.
  3. Clicked Ok.
  4. After build completed, got posted error. Here is the console output: Hosted Agent successfully assigned. Configuring connection settings for Hosted Agent Starting Hosted Agent Initializing connection to Hosted Agent Successfully connected to Hosted Agent

Starting: Build

Executing the following commandline:

C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\default\agent\worker\vsoWorker.exe /name:Worker-1c2934a8-bfde-429a-945e-4bb6394a6d3b /id:1c2934a8-bfde-429a-945e-4bb6394a6d3b /rootFolder:"C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\default" /logger:Forwarding,1.0.0;Verbosity=Verbose,Name=Agent1-1aadeebb9c4390e852d65e80b5fec753;JobId=1c2934a8-bfde-429a-945e-4bb6394a6d3b

Starting: Get sources

Syncing repository: Sam New Project (TFVC)

Workspace Name: ws_1_1;Build\f1fca027-0a60-48e6-a5aa-f55071ee636c Getting C:\a\1\s;C10 Getting C:\a\1\s\BuildProcessTemplates;C11 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\BuildProcessTemplates\AzureContinuousDeployment.11.xaml;C11 Getting C:\a\1\s\BuildProcessTemplates\DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml;C11 Getting C:\a\1\s\BuildProcessTemplates\LabDefaultTemplate.11.xaml;C12 Getting C:\a\1\s\BuildProcessTemplates\UpgradeTemplate.xaml;C11 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\App.config;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Form1.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Form1.Designer.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Program.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form.csproj;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form.csproj.vspscc;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties\Resources.resx;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties\Settings.settings;C13 Done syncing repository Sam New Project to version C13 (workspace version C13)

Running tasks

Starting task: Build solution ***.sln

Executing the powershell script:

C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\default\tasks\VSBuild\1.0.19\VSBuild.ps1 No solution was found using search pattern 'C:\a\1\s***.sln'.

Finishing task: VSBuild

Starting task: Copy Files to: $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)

Set workingFolder to default:

C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\default\tasks\CopyFiles\1.0.10 found 0 files

Finishing task: CopyFiles

Starting task: Publish Artifact: drop

Set workingFolder to default:

C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\default\tasks\PublishBuildArtifacts\1.0.25 Max Concurrent Uploads 2, Max Creators 1 Found 0 files to upload. Created 0 files without uploading content. Total files processed 0 Uploaded artifact 'C:\a\1\a' to container folder 'drop' of build 7. Associated artifact 6 with build 7

Finishing task: PublishBuildArtifacts

Task VSBuild failed. This caused the job to fail. Look at the logs for the task for more details.

Finishing Build

Worker Worker-1c2934a8-bfde-429a-945e-4bb6394a6d3b finished running job 1c2934a8-bfde-429a-945e-4bb6394a6d3b

Can you share the screenshot of the settings for "Repository" tab in your build definition?Eddie Chen - MSFT

1 Answers


According to the logs from "Get sources" step, solution file (.sln) isn't downloaded. Please check following things:

1: Go to "Code" tab and make sure the solution folder and file has been checked in.

2: Go to "Build" tab and make sure the "Mappings" under "Repository" setting include the solution folder in your build definition. enter image description here