
While creating a new page for my site, I found out that pages named "t", "u", "n" or "o" can not be edited properly in the Experience Editor. If I try to open the Experience Editor for these pages, it either does not open the Editor or it opens the Editor, but adding any component causes an error message.

For eg: I created a page named "t" -> opened experience editor -> tried to add components -> causes error message "an error occurred" to appear in experience editor but when I go to Content editor that component is added.

Next I tried changing the display name of the item to "test" and kept item name as it is "t" -> tried to add components in experience editor -> causes same error message to appear in experience editor but when I go to Content editor that component is added.

Next I tried to change item name to "tr" instead of "t" and kept display name as "test" -> tried to add components in experience editor -> component is added successfully in experience editor as well as content editor.

As a workaround we can add a string to the item name, but I am not able to figure out why is it happening for these letters. Did someone encounter this issue? Actually I need to add glossary in my website so i have to create item names by single letters only from A to Z so need help on this.

All those work fine for me on Sitecore 8, Update 6. You should try on a clean install of Sitecore to make sure the problem is not related to your code.jammykam
What does the logs say?Ahmed Okour
Tried these combinations in Sitecore.NET 8.0 (rev. 150427) and they work fine in Experience Editor and able to add more components wherever I want. Have you tried what @Łukasz Skowroński is suggesting?Shriroop
Hello, I am using Sitecore .NET rev 150812 and still encountering the issue.Natasha Batra

1 Answers


How your site configuration looks like? Do you have "languageEmbedding" set to "asNeeded"? If the answer is yes - try to change it to "never" or "always". This behavior occurs because sitecore tries to find language in your url.

There is also another options - do you use wildcards inside your structure? sometimes experience editor can't decide - load wildcard or item from structure. The solution is move wildcard into other directory.