
Disclaimer: I'm quite certain that this has been answered somewhere, but myself and another person have been searching quite hard to no avail.

I've got a code that looks something like this:

      PROGRAM main
!$omp parallel do
!$omp private(somestuff) shared(otherstuff)
      DO i=1,n
        CALL mysubroutine(args)
!$omp end parallel do
      SUBROUTINE mysubroutine(things)
      FUNCTION myfunction(morethings)

I cannot determine where/how to handle private, shared, reduction, etc. clauses for the variables in the subroutine and function. I suspect there may be some nuances to the answer, as there are many, many ways variables might have been declared and shared amongst them. So, let's say all variables that the main program are concerned with were defined in it or in shared modules, and that any OMP operations on those variables can be handled in the main code. The subroutines and functions use some of those variables, and have some of their own variables. So, I think the question boils down to how to handle clauses for their local variables.

Show an example of such a function. If the local variables are not save, they are not a problem.Vladimir F
See stackoverflow.com/questions/22381795/… They keywords you want to research is thread-safety and thread-safe procedures.Vladimir F
@VladimirF to clarify, I have the code for the other two, so it is more a question of syntax than thread safety. SAVE is in the mix, both the subroutine and function get called a LOT, so avoiding unnecessary repeated memory allocations is important. Though, if using SAVE bumps them over to the heap, (and hurts performance), then it's not worthwhile. Testing may be in order.TTT
I don't understand your comment. Your whole question is about thread-safety, isn't it? What kind of syntax you have in mind? You cannot access variables which are not in scope. If you have the code, show it! Otherwise your question is too broad.Vladimir F
I'm not sure from your comment, but if you declare variables with SAVE in procedures called from an OpenMP parallel region, you are likely to have conflicts between threads. You can use OpenMP directives in those subroutines: the term for such usage is "orphaned".M. S. B.

1 Answers


OK, this is about the difference between the lexical and dynamic extent of OpenMP directives and the interaction with variable scoping. The lexical extent of a directive is the text between the beginning and the end of the structured block following a directive. The dynamic extent is the lexical extent plus statements executed as part of any subprogram executed as a result of statements in the lexical extent. So in something like

Program stuff
   Implicit None
   Real, Dimension( 1:100 ) :: a
   Call Random_number( a )
   !$omp parallel default( none ) shared( a )
   Call sub( a )
   !$omp end parallel
   Subroutine sub( a )
      Real, Dimension( : ), Intent( InOut ) :: a
      Integer :: i
      !$omp do
      Do i = 1, Size( a )
         a( i ) = 2.0 * a( i )
      End Do
   End Subroutine Sub
End Program stuff

(totally untested, written direct in here) the lexical extent of the parallel region initiated by !$omp parallel is just

   Call sub( a )

while the dynamic extent is the call and the contents of the subroutine. And for completeness of terminology the !$omp do is an example of an orphaned directive, a directive that is not in the lexical extent of another directive, but in the dynamic extent. See


for another example.

Why does this matter? Well you can only explicitly scope variables for entities in the lexical scope, just the array a in this case, but for entities that become defined due to the dynamic extent being executed you can't do this! Instead OpenMP has a number of rules, which in simple terms are

  1. The scope of subprogram arguments is inherited from the calling point, i.e. if you scoped them as private at the start of the lexical extent they stay private, and if shared they stay shared
  2. Local variables to subprograms are by default private (so i in the above is private, as you want) unless they are declared with the SAVE attribute (either explicitly or implicitly) in which case they are shared.

And in my experience that gets you most of the way! Use of the dynamic extent combined with orphaned directives is a great way to keep an OpenMP program under control, and I have to say I disagree with the above comment, I find orphaned workshare directives very useful indeed! So you can combine all of the above to do things like

Program dot_test
  Implicit None
  Real, Dimension( 1:100 ) :: a, b
  Real :: r
  a = 1.0
  b = 2.0
  !$omp parallel default( none ) shared( a, b, r )
  Call dot( a, b, r )
  Write( *, * ) r
  !$omp end parallel
  Subroutine dot( a, b, r )
    Real, Dimension( : ), Intent( In    ) :: a, b
    Real,                 Intent(   Out ) :: r
    Real, Save :: s
    Integer :: i
    !$omp single
    s = 0.0
    !$omp end single
    !$omp do reduction( +:s )
    Do i = 1, Size( a )
       s = s + a( i ) * b( i )
    End Do
    !$omp end do
    !$omp single
    r = s
    !$omp end single
  End Subroutine dot
End Program dot_test
Wot now? gfortran -std=f95 -fopenmp -O -Wall -Wextra dot.f90 
Wot now? export OMP_NUM_THREADS=3
Wot now? ./a.out

This simple situation is a bit complicated by module variables and common blocks, so don't use global variables ... but if you must they are by default shared unless declared as threadprivate. See


for an example.