I'm new to Jekyll and having trouble setting it up the way I want. I have a site already with a standard directory structure: css, img and js directories and and index and page html files on the same level. So far so normal.
If I run jekyll new blog
, it sets up the files it needs in a subdir blog. But then when I go to that directory to change the basic layout files and do jekyll serve
, it builds fine, it can't find the css files that are valid for my whole site - because it can't "see" anything in a directory further up. I've tried messing with the path to the css, but I don't seem to be able to make it show up. I tried moving everything from the subdir "blog" up one level, so that the _layoutsb folder etc are on the same level as the css and img directories, but then I have the problem that Jekyll builds an "index.html" file only - I don't want that, I already have an index file, and it's a .php, not a .html.
How can i either: a.) get Jekyll running in a subdir but use the css styles, images etc from the main css dir
b.) get jekyll to live on the top level dir but build do something that is not "index.html"??
Thanks for any help. I keep building, deleting and tweaking and making no progress at all.