Windows 7, Neo4j Community Edition - freshly installed.
I'm new to neo4j and I want to run some Cypher commands in a batch. I've read about the neo4j shell, so I tried to run it.
I'm getting the following error regardless of whether I run it from the "command prompt" at the desktop or starting a new cmd session:
(a bunch of DOS stuff)
D:\AppData\Neo4j\Sports2000>pushd "D:\APPLIC~1\NEO4JC~1.1\bin\..\lib" The system cannot find the path specified.
followed later in the batch file by:
D:\AppData\Neo4j\Sports2000>java -classpath ;"""neo4j-shell" -Dapp.repo="D:\APPLIC~1\NEO4JC~1.1\bin\..\lib" -Dbasedir ="D:\APPLIC~1\NEO4JC~1.1\bin\.." Error: Could not find or load main class
Reading the shell command it references to a zip version of Neo4j, and links to the front page of the Neo site which has no reference to a .zip file that I can see.
It looks like this is a packaging issue with my version of Neo4j: Neo4j Error: Could not find or load main class
And upgrading to version 3 hasn't fixed the problem. Installing version 3 and then installing the zip file has gotten me a working powershell prompt.