I started working with the STM32F3 disco a few weeks ago. The user USB thing is a bit tricky.
To get it clear: The board has 2 USB ports.
- One mostly for programming and debugging. It connected to a second ST chip which works as programming adapter.
- The seconds (called USER USB) is connected to the STM32F303 chips you program
So what you can do is to configure your STM32 to implement a CDC over USB. With the windows driver installed (automatic or from ST, depends on OS version) you should get a virtual com port in your device manager. If you don't have the driver, you also get a device labeled as virtual com port but with a yellow exclamation mark.
So if I get you question right, this is what you're trying to do? Then yes, "Connecting USER USB" is correct. No, you don't need an extension board.
How to resolve that? It depends:
Do you already see the device in your device manager as communication device or serial interface or something? Then only the CDC driver from ST is missing.
Or do you get an "Unknown Device" in your device manager? That is what I experienced.
- In STM32CubeMX you need to enable the USB device (Peripehrals->USB)
- In STM32CubeMX you need to select the USB stack (MiddleWares->USB_DEVICE->Communication Device Class)
- Generate the code. If you are using HSI as clock source CubeMX will generate a error message you can ignore for now. For a real product you should use an external clock.
- Note that there is a bug in CubeMX version 4.20. The code generator generates code which may not work if you select HSE as clock input source. Even if you go back to HSI, the error remains.
- Compile an run the code. You maybe need to reset the board removing BOTH USB plugs
- Windows should detect the board now.
- Extra problem: The board is ... well. Tricky. If you only plug in the USER USB to your PC, it should work but Windows may also inform you that you have an UNKNOWN DEVICE because enumeration has failed.
- Remove the plug again. Now, first plug in the other, ST-LINK USB to power on the board. Wait 1-2 seconds. Now plug in the USER USB. There seems to be a startup problem. Only using the USER USB for power supply and CDC seems to run in a race condition between boot and USB and USB enumeration fails. First powering the board and then plugging in removes this race condition (at least at my board)
Now Windows should enumerate the device and offer you a virtual com port. Actually you should get two of them: One "ST... STLink Virtual COM Port" and one "ST... Virtual COM Port". The seconds one is the one you are looking for.
I hope that was the answer on the question you had.