I am trying to create a line chart using the danielgindi/ios-charts library by passing on the X axis the time values and on the Y axis integer values representing currency amount.
The time value because it is in a finite interval as I am trying to limit it to 7 elements I first convert it to unix and check witch one of them is the oldest, and from the newer ones I substitute the older one so I get and array of NSNumbers.
And here si my code and the array data:
- (void)addChartWithArray:(NSArray *)dataArray{
NSMutableArray *xVals = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *yVals = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
int maxNumberOfValuesInGraph;
if(dataArray.count >= 7){
maxNumberOfValuesInGraph = (int)dataArray.count - 7;
maxNumberOfValuesInGraph = 0;
for (int cout = maxNumberOfValuesInGraph; cout < dataArray.count; cout++){
TRTargetEstimation *targetEstimation = [dataArray objectAtIndex: cout];
[xVals addObject:[targetEstimation dateCreated]];
xVals = [self calculateTimeValues: xVals];
int secondCounter = 0;
for (int cout = maxNumberOfValuesInGraph; cout < dataArray.count; cout++) {
TRTargetEstimation *targetEstimation = [dataArray objectAtIndex: cout];
[yVals addObject:[[ChartDataEntry alloc] initWithValue:[targetEstimation.estimationValue floatValue] xIndex:secondCounter]];
LineChartDataSet *set1 = [[LineChartDataSet alloc] initWithYVals:yVals label:@"DataSet 1"];
set1.lineWidth = 2.f;
set1.circleRadius = 6.0;
[set1 setColor: [UIColor orangeColor]];
[set1 setCircleColor:[UIColor orangeColor]];
set1.highlightColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
set1.drawValuesEnabled = YES;
LineChartData *data = [[LineChartData alloc] initWithXVals:xVals dataSet:set1];
[data setValueFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"HelveticaNeue-Light" size:7.f]];
self.lineChartView.minOffset = 0;
self.lineChartView.delegate = self;
self.lineChartView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.lineChartView.descriptionText = @"";
self.lineChartView.noDataTextDescription = @"No history available.";
self.lineChartView.drawGridBackgroundEnabled = NO;
self.lineChartView.dragEnabled = NO;
[self.lineChartView setScaleEnabled:NO];
self.lineChartView.pinchZoomEnabled = NO;
[self.lineChartView setViewPortOffsetsWithLeft:10.0 top:0.0 right:10.0 bottom:0.0];
self.lineChartView.legend.enabled = NO;
self.lineChartView.leftAxis.enabled = NO;
self.lineChartView.rightAxis.enabled = NO;
self.lineChartView.xAxis.enabled = NO;
self.lineChartView.data = data;
self.lineChartView.hidden = YES;
self.leftLineView.hidden = YES;
self.bottomLineView.hidden = YES;
- (NSMutableArray *)calculateTimeValues:(NSMutableArray *)passedArray {
NSMutableArray *returnedArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int count = 0; count < passedArray.count; count++) {
NSDate *date = [TRUtils getDateOutOfString:[passedArray objectAtIndex:count]
andDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"];
[returnedArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[TRUtils getUNIXTimeFromDate:date]]];
[returnedArray sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"self" ascending:YES]]];
int minValue = [[returnedArray firstObject] intValue];
for (int count = 0; count < passedArray.count; count++) {
[returnedArray replaceObjectAtIndex:count
withObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",[[returnedArray objectAtIndex:count] intValue] - minValue]];
return returnedArray;
And here are my helper methods:
+ (NSDate *)getDateOutOfString:(NSString *)passedString andDateFormat:(NSString *)dateFormat{
NSString *dateString = passedString;
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:dateFormat];
NSDate *dateFromString = [[NSDate alloc] init];
dateFromString = [dateFormatter dateFromString:dateString];
return dateFromString;
+ (int)getUNIXTimeFromDate:(NSDate *) datePassed{
return (int)[datePassed timeIntervalSince1970];
and xVals data is:
<__NSArrayM 0x7fca4b775dd0>(
and the yVals array is:
And the graph is showing as:
Now, the Y axis look as expected but the Y axis is not correct as spacing between points is equal, any idea on what I am doing wrong?
I already tried to change the next line:
[yVals addObject:[[ChartDataEntry alloc] initWithValue:[targetEstimation.estimationValue floatValue] xIndex:secondCounter]];
by giving a different xIndex but the graph stopped showing altogether on the screen.
Thanks in advance for all the constructive answers :)