I'm trying to make a backup of user attributes for multiple domains. I need to export all users to a csv file for each domain. Get-QADUser has been found to take 72 hours on one domain which is to slow. Instead I am using ``.
For some reason, on several domains it is not picking up all the users and I'm not sure why. Here is my code...
function CreateQueriedCsvDataSheet
$csvFileWithPath = 'C:\Scripts\Tests\testResults.csv'
$DomainControlConnector = 'www.example.com'
$DomainName = 'myDomain1'
$domainUserProperties = @('sAMAccountName', 'msRTCSIP-UserEnabled', 'msRTCSIP-OptionFlags', 'msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress', 'msRTCSIP-PrimaryHomeServer',
'mail', 'msExchMasterAccountSid', 'homeMDB', 'proxyaddresses', 'legacyExchangeDN',
'lastLogonTimestamp', 'logonCount', 'lastLogoff', 'lastLogon', 'pwdLastSet', 'userAccountControl', 'whenCreated', 'whenChanged', 'accountExpires',
'sn', 'givenName', 'displayName', 'distinguishedName', 'initials', 'l', 'st', 'street', 'title', 'description', 'postalCode', 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName', 'telephoneNumber', 'facsimileTelephoneNumber', 'info', 'memberOf', 'co', 'department', 'company', 'streetAddress', 'employeeNumber', 'employeeType', 'objectGUID', 'employeeID', 'homeDirectory', 'homeDrive', 'scriptPath', 'objectSid', 'userPrincipalName', 'url', 'msDS-SourceObjectDN', 'manager', 'extensionattribute8')
Logger $LogFileWithPath "Querying $DomainName for user account attributes and exporting to csv file $csvFileWithPath..."
powershell -Command {
Param ([string]$domainControlConnector, [string]$csvOutFile, [string]$DomainName, [String[]]$domainUserProperties)
$domain = "LDAP://$domainControlConnector"
Write-Host "Searching Users Properties for domain $DomainNamein in AD..."
$adDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($domain)
$adSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($adDomain)
$adSearcher.Filter = '(objectCategory=User)'
$userRecords = $adSearcher.FindAll()
Write-Host "Complete"
# The AD results are converted to an array of hashtables.
Write-Host "Exporting User Attributes to table..."
$userPropertiesTable = @()
foreach($record in $userRecords) {
$hashUserProperty = @{}
foreach($userProperty in $domainUserProperties){
if ($record.Properties[$userProperty]) {
$hashUserProperty.$userProperty = $record.Properties[$userProperty][0]
} else {
$hashUserProperty.$userProperty = $null
$userPropertiesTable += New-Object PSObject -Property $hashUserProperty
Write-Host "Complete."
$listOfBadDateValues = '9223372036854775807', '9223372036854770000', '0'
$maxDateValue = '12/31/1600 5:00 PM'
Write-Host "fixing table property titles and values for report"
#$userPropertiesTable[0] = $userPropertiesTable[0] -replace 'givenname','FirstName'
$tableFixedValues = $userPropertiesTable | % {
if ($_.lastLogonTimestamp) {
$_.lastLogonTimestamp = ([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.lastLogonTimestamp)).ToString('g')
}; if (($_.AccountExpires) -and ($listOfBadDateValues -contains $_.AccountExpires)) {
$_.AccountExpires = $null
} else {
if (([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.AccountExpires)).ToString('g') -eq $maxDateValue) {
$_.AccountExpires = $null
} Else {
$_.AccountExpires = ([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.AccountExpires)).ToString('g')
}; if (($_.lastLogon) -and ($listOfBadDateValues -contains $_.lastLogon)) {
$_.lastLogon = $null
} else {
if (([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.lastLogon)).ToString('g') -eq $maxDateValue) {
$_.lastLogon = $null
} Else {
$_.lastLogon = ([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.lastLogon)).ToString('g')
}; if (($_.pwdLastSet) -and ($listOfBadDateValues -contains $_.pwdLastSet)) {
$_.pwdLastSet = $null
} else {
if (([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.pwdLastSet)).ToString('g') -eq $maxDateValue) {
$_.pwdLastSet = $null
} Else {
$_.pwdLastSet = ([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.pwdLastSet)).ToString('g')
Write-Host "Complete"
Write-Host "Exporting table to csv file $csvOutFile"
$tableFixedValues | Select-Object $domainUserProperties | Export-Csv $csvOutFile -NoTypeInformation -Force
Write-Host "Complete"
} -args $DomainControlConnector, $csvFileWithPath, $DomainName, $domainUserProperties
Function Main
Note: I also noticed for memberOf
attribute, not all the groups are being listed for the user...
Update with TheMadTechnician's answer.
Currently working with code snippet...
# The AD results are converted to an array of hashtables.
Write-Host "Exporting User Attributes to table..."
$userPropertiesTable = @()
foreach($record in $userRecords) {
$hashUserProperty = @{}
foreach($userProperty in $domainUserProperties){
if (($userProperty -eq 'objectGUID') -or ($userProperty -eq 'objectSid')) {
if ($record.Properties[$userProperty]) {
$hashUserProperty.$userProperty = $record.Properties[$userProperty][0]
} else {
$hashUserProperty.$userProperty = $null
} Else {
if ($record.Properties[$userProperty]) {
$hashUserProperty.$userProperty = ($record.Properties[$userProperty] -join '; ').trim('; ')
} else {
$hashUserProperty.$userProperty = $null
} #end Else
} #end ForEach
$userPropertiesTable += New-Object PSObject -Property $hashUserProperty
} #end ForEach
Write-Host "Complete."
command. If you want a separate process, useStart-Job
. – TheMadTechnician$hashUserProperty.$userProperty = $record.Properties[$userProperty][0]
might be dropping the memberof since you are only calling the one element. Would have to test to be sure. @TheMadTechnician... yeah I saw that. – Matt