I am trying to plot nice stacked percent barchart
using ggplot2
. I've read some material and almost manage to plot, what I want. Also, I enclose the material, it might be useful in one place:
How do I label a stacked bar chart in ggplot2 without creating a summary data frame?
Create stacked barplot where each stack is scaled to sum to 100%
R stacked percentage bar plot with percentage of binary factor and labels (with ggplot)
My problem is that I can't place labels
where I want - in the middle of the bars.
You can see the problem in the picture above - labels looks awfull and also overlap each other.
What I am looking for right now is:
How to place labels in the midde of the bars (areas)
How to plot not all the labels, but for example which are greather than 10%?
How to solve overlaping problem?
For the Q 1.
@MikeWise suggested possible solution. However, I still can't deal with this problem.
Also, I enclose reproducible example, how I've plotted this grahp.
Category <- sample(c("Black", "Red", "Blue", "Cyna", "Purple"), n, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL)
Brand <- sample("Brand", n, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL)
Brand <- paste0(Brand, sample(1:5, n, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL))
USD <- abs(rnorm(n))*100
df <- data.frame(Category, Brand, USD)
# Calculate the percentages
df = ddply(df, .(Brand), transform, percent = USD/sum(USD) * 100)
# Format the labels and calculate their positions
df = ddply(df, .(Brand), transform, pos = (cumsum(USD) - 0.5 * USD))
#create nice labes
df$label = paste0(sprintf("%.0f", df$percent), "%")
ggplot(df, aes(x=reorder(Brand,USD,
function(x)+sum(x)), y=percent, fill=Category))+
geom_bar(position = "fill", stat='identity', width = .7)+
geom_text(aes(label=label, ymax=100, ymin=0), vjust=0, hjust=0,color = "white", position=position_fill())+
scale_y_continuous(labels = percent_format())+