In the interest of better understanding Amazon's DynamoDB, Lambda functions and IAM roles (I'll stick to DynamoDB in this question), I'm setting up a Linux device to listen for new DynamoDB items and audibly read out updates that are being added by other functions at a regular interval. My goal is to query or scan items, returning those items in ascending order since a specific timestamp (the last time the device checked).
Here's the item structure I'm using so far:
"id": {
"S": "1eb4520d44715b6daa5f9d907fe43aab" //md5sum of "time"
"message": {
"S": "I'm creating the audible reporting log now."
"status": {
"S": "working"
"time": {
"S": "1452297505" //timestamp: should probably add milliseconds for sake of unique "id"
"id" is the partition key. "time" is the sort key. Looking at this now, I'm guessing I should probably make "time" a number, not a string...
Query or scan? Query seems like the correct option for sorting, but it requires a specific partition ID in the query (at least in in the AWS website query tool), so perhaps I'm adding those incorrectly. Scan loads all items and I'm guessing that the sort is not automatic or an option (at least not in in the AWS website query tool). I really only want to load items greater than a timestamp value, sorted.
Where am I off in my thinking? I appreciate the assistance in advance.
After further experimentation with AWS-CLI and DynamoDB, I ended up using a slightly different solution. Since this is a small scale "hello world" type of project, all update items are added to the same table with a single partition key, "SF Reporter", for now. This could scale if I decide to start monitoring additional "reporter"/service updates with separate queries and/or devices.
"datetime": { //sort key
"S": "2016-01-11T05:15:02"
"message": {
"S": "It is all good."
"reporter": { //primary partition key
"S": "SF Reporter"
"status": {
"S": "ok"
The JSON query itself looks something like this (abbreviated node.js example):
var AWS = require("aws-sdk");
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.SharedIniFileCredentials({ profile: 'default' });
AWS.config.update({"region": "us-west-2"});
var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
var params = {
TableName: "spoken_reports",
KeyConditionExpression: "#reporter = :reporter and #datetime >= :datetime",
"#reporter": "reporter",
"#datetime": "datetime"
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":reporter":"SF Reporter",
docClient.query(params, onUpdatesReceived);
var onUpdatesReceived = function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack);
} else {
The query gets the latest updates sorted by a string timestamp (defaults to ascending order in this example). This allows for some scaling as I can have multiple devices checking the same table for the latest updates. I would create a scheduled query/function to clear out old updates once in a while to keep things light.