
I am trying to execute multiple goals in maven

I have my Pom.xml like



                <argument>**com.lazerycode.jmeter:jmeter-maven-plugin:1.4.1:jmeter@jmeter-tests -Dmyhost=hix.qa.com -Dmyport=80 -Dmyprotocol=http -Dmythreads=5 -Dmyloopcount=20 -Dmyrampup=1 -Dmytest=ScreenerAPI.jmx**</argument>

I have two arguments mentioned in the org.codehaus plugin.

running the below command with argument1 disabled works fine.

mvn org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.4.0:exec@runcommand 

But when I run the command with both are arguments enabled gives me an error

failed to execute goal com.lazerycode.jmeter:jmeter-maven-plugin:1.4.1:jmeter@jmeter-tests -Dmyhost=hix.qa.com -Dmyport=80 -Dmyprotocol=http -Dmythreads=5 -Dmyloopcount=20 -Dmyrampup=1 -Dmytest=ScreenerAPI.jmx

running goal1 and goal2 indivudally with parameters from cmd line works fine.

mvn de.codecentric:jmeter-graph-maven-plugin:0.1.0:create-graph@create-graphs 
mvn com.lazerycode.jmeter:jmeter-maven-plugin:1.4.1:jmeter@jmeter-tests "-Dmyhost=hix.qa.com" "-Dmyport=80" "-Dmyprotocol=http" "-Dmythreads=5" "-Dmyloopcount=20" "-Dmyrampup=1" "-Dmytest=ScreenerAPI.jmx"

How to pass parameters to one goal from command line while running multiple goals?

You are using very old versions of the meter-maven-plugin and the meter-graph-maven-plugin. I would suggest updating to the latest versions which are much more reliable.Ardesco

1 Answers


You want to execute multiple commands, so you want to have multiple executions of the plugin:

        <!-- First execution executing jmeter-maven-plugin -->
            <phase> <!-- you need to write a phase here --> </phase>
                    <argument>com.lazerycode.jmeter:jmeter-maven-plugin:1.4.1:jmeter@jmeter-tests -Dmyhost=hix.qa.com -Dmyport=80 -Dmyprotocol=http -Dmythreads=5 -Dmyloopcount=20 -Dmyrampup=1 -Dmytest=ScreenerAPI.jmx</argument>
        <!-- Second execution executing jmeter-graph-maven-plugin -->
            <phase> <!-- you need to write a phase here --> </phase>

This configuration does multiple things:

  • It configures 2 executions for the 2 commands you want to invoke. They are both configured with the correct <argument> attribute.
  • It factors out the common configuration of those two inside the global configuration element. In this case, this is simply the executable.

There's an important factor though: those executions need to be bound to a phase if you want to execute both of them in a single build. As as example, if you bind them to verify then invoking mvn verify will invoke the two executions.