
Please propose some working demo of webrtc text chat. Tried googling alot, but result usually leads to this one: https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/chat-hangout/ or commercial opensource software. https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/chat-hangout/ doesn't work for me. Are there any other working opensource demos of webrtc chats?


Please try this instead: webrtc-experiment.com/RTCMultiConnection/MultiRTC It is open-sourced here: github.com/muaz-khan/MultiRTCMuaz Khan
@MuazKhan Thanx, it works. But i need text chat. If you provide working webrtc text chat, I'll accept your answer. Thanx.Stepan Yakovenko

3 Answers


Here is a live-demo for Text-Chat + file sharing:

Here is the source-code:

Please disable following line if you don't want file sharing:

connection.enableFileSharing = true;

RTCMultiConnection is a big library, which is NOT for those who wanna understand WebRTC codes.

If you're learning WebRTC, then I'll suggest readthis this post:

Above post will explain how to create one-to-one data connection (text chat connection) between two users.

There is another post that explains how to implement mesh networking model to support text-chat between multiple users:

Many other relevant tutorials can be found here:

If you're looking for a good chat solution with socket.io fallback:


Do you need a text chat or an audio/video chat? Or do you need both?

WebRTC is used for building audio/video chat. For text chat XMPP is popular.

Here is a demo of text chat: http://connectycube.com/samples/sample-chat-browser

And here is a demo of audio/video chat built on top of WebRTC: https://connectycube.com/samples/sample-videochat-browser/

Code samples can be found here: https://developers.connectycube.com/js/code-samples


Several years ago I developed WebRTC/SignalR chat.

You can see code on github.

And web application.