
There are terminal and python console in pycharm, which are very convenient. But I found that the font size was too small to recognize in terminal or python console. How can change the font size in the terminal or python console?

You should ask this question in PyCharm forum not in SO.DhiaTN
Have you tried to search manual? I was able to find answer in official manual in 15 seconds.Alik
It's not the font in editor.real_actor
I tried that. But this operation didn't change the font size in console. I also can change the font size of the tool bar. But they aren't the thing I expect.real_actor
Alot of people seem to think the answer is obvious. I agree with the OP that it is not. The most commonly referred link here does not say anything about the terminal. If anyone is wondering about this, I found that when I reset the console font, the terminal did not change. But then I closed and re-opened pycharm, and the terminal then had the font I wanted.bob.sacamento

3 Answers


In PyCharm 2016.3, the console font setting is squirrelled away under Settings > Editor > Colors & Fonts > Console Font:

Console font settings in PyCharm

Note: Changes to the colors and font are not visible immediately, you have to restart the terminal session to apply them. It's not enough to just hide and reopen the terminal. Just click the red cross button on the terminal's toolbar (Close Terminal Session) and reopen it. The same is valid also for the Python Console.


Go to File\Settings\Editor\Color & Fonts and choose save as to save currently used schema by a new name in order to make changes on a new schema. Then in mentioned direction go to console font and set size.


A simple google search would have lead you here.
You just need to create a personal scheme under settings >Editor > color and fonts.
Edit:Here this further explanation may help more.
1.In color and fonts choose save as and give a scheme name.
2.Go to console font and change size and primary font, which will be inaccessible if you didn't choose the personal scheme you created earlier.