It's been awhile since i've worked in VBA. I have a bound form. It has two drop down lists. One list is bound the other not (the first ddl is a list of values. The second gets refreshed when the first one changes, using the value of the first to create a query for the second. That value is used as a fk in the table the form is bound too).
Anyway, when the form is first run and uses the default value for ddl 1, if the second combobox is empty, and I try to get the value, it's null, which is what you would expect. But, I have code that runs when ddl1's value changes, to requery ddl2. When it requeries, if the list is empty, and I do combobox1.value, instead of being null, the value is 1. This is confusing, because, since the list is empty, I would think it should be null. What's going on here? Here is what I have:
Combo1 is bound to a table Combo 2 uses this query:
SELECT, tbl_office.office_name
FROM tbl_office
WHERE (((tbl_office.otherTable_id)=[Forms]![dlg_addDivision].[Combo1]));
On Combo1 afterUpdate event:
So, after combo1 afterUpdate, the above sql gets called. If this produces an empty dataset, and I try to get the value of combo2, even though the list is empty, the value says it's 1