I have a Word document with 2 pages and I've insert table that table start from page one and continues until the middle of the second page(Only one table exist in document).
In Delphi(XE7) and with OLE automation(variant and Office 2013), How can I move cursor after the table? (Manually in word document file, I have repeatedly press Enter key)
For this purpose, These codes will not work :
Selection.GoTo(wdGoToItem.wdGoToPage, wdGoToDirection.wdGoToLast);
and :
Selection.EndKey(wdStory, EmptyParam);
and :
lvParag := ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.First;
Result := Range.Sentences.First.End - 1;
Selection.Tables[1].Select; Selection.Collapse(0); // wdCollapseEnd
– kobik